Business Development 

LuxStyle Consulting compiles business plans to promote international companies and brands in the world of fashion and luxury industries to boost their presence in entering the European market. For this, they organise corporate events, press conferences, fashion shows and Influencer Marketing Tactics.

Also, they optimise and adapt your business model to suit your target market, therefore eliminating obstacles and various barriers to entry.


Estrategy & Communication

Development of new business models considering digital transformation. Elaboration of your Digital Communication Plan and strategies as well as prices and products.

LuxStyle Consulting consults with teams, and through quality tests and measuring competencies, they help you to select the best team for your international projects.

Branding and Brand Identity

Through market research and exhaustive analyses, LuxStyle Consulting deepens your brand values, reconstructing and elaborating its values and identity to suit the target market.

They analyse these architypes that the company wants the public to associate with its product or service with the objective of differentiating themselves from the rest of the competition.



LuxStyle Consulting provides experiences and corporate events like open days, inaugurations, showrooms, catwalks, incentive trips and press conferences with clients that are searching for the “wow factor”.

We are experts in:

Luxury Events

Fashion Productions

Creating Business Plan and developing New Business Models

Catwalks, Conferences & Inagurations

Digital Marketing Strategy

Creating Contents

Comunication Offline & Online Strategy

Rebuilding Brands

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